alephalpha0 - Esoterica Miscellany

Don't show me your buttons

It's a trait I came by naturally and is the No. 1 top bestest source of self-amusement that I have at my disposal.

The art of subtly pushing another person's buttons for the sole purpose of robbing them of their peace and happiness.

Now, I know this is "evil" behavior and can (and sometimes does) lead to retribution. I don't engage in it everyday or do it to everyone I come across. But every once in a while, another human being shows me their petty, cunt fucktard, side of themselves.. And then, when I have my own confirmation of their lack of any redeeming human-like qualities.. Then I make sure that 1) my amusement is paramount and sole driving force and 2) they are subjected to their own self-disclosed private annoyance-laden hell.

And it manifests differently for each individual. Currently: Bytchboy is a single child in a 60+ year old body who takes over public spaces and makes them his own fiefdom. Conspiracy Godtalker is a 45ish woman with a perchant to sit around and sigh and click nails until you ask her what's wrong and then the monologue begins. Bytchboy has a button where everything of his in the public space can't be touched or moved except by his faggot old man hands. Every night when he's in his room tweaking and listening to the same old 70's-80's AM radio hits, random plants and trailer park yard decorations get removed to other places on the grounds, or thrown over the fence. To date he's only fully realized what is happening once, and went ballistic by moving every single plant of his from outside to his room.

Conspiracy Talker is a much gentler source of amusement by my hand. I simply say hello and good morning to her once in the morning.. and then for the rest of the day, she is ignored completely and utterly. When I am smoking a cig outside and she comes out to smoke too, I never look up from the phone. She sighs and mutters and fusses like none other, but she doesn't get any attention and eventually stands up with a deeeeeep sigh and walks back inside.


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